Discover our new, free tool that tests APIs for security vulnerabilities throughout the SDLC, ensuring security is built-in from the start!

APIsec Scan Free

What is it?

APIsec Scan for CI/CD brings automated, continuous API testing into the SDLC. The low footprint product can be integrated with existing Github CI/CD workflows or can be used as a standalone action. It includes pre-configured tests for common OWASP vulnerabilities. This allows developers to:

  • Summarize server configurations and identify potential security issues
  • Analyze Response Headers
  • Identify Authentication Gaps
  • Look for potential security vulnerabilities

How does it work?

Designed to be installed from the GitHub marketplaces, APIsec Scan can be setup and running within minutes with minimal configuration. It runs in a self-contained manner within the DevOps pipeline with no open ports or firewall holes required.

Here’s all you need to get started:

  • An OpenAPI specification
  • The base URL for the target API

APIsec Scan for CI/CD can even be configured to fail the build if vulnerabilities are found.

Pricing Information

APIsec Scan for CI/CD price: FREE

APIsec University is committed to providing the best possible courses, content, conferences, and even tooling to help organizations keep APIs secure. Sign up now and get access to all the future updates as well.

Why did we create APIsec Scan for CI/CD?

APIs are the backbone of modern web applications - and also the primary target for attacks. While many SDLC tools exist to test code quality and functionality, security testing seriously lags. And the tools that do exist require complex configuration and setup.

Manual pen-testing is an option, but typically is done once or twice a year - meanwhile Dev teams release code every month, week or even day. That’s a lot of code not getting tested. APIsec Scan was created to bridge this security testing gap.